Order TRIAL of service TronLogo v2.0

You will have 7 days FREE TRIAL for implementation and testing of the service.
You don't pay anything now. We don't need your credit card details now!

Registration to the PromoTron platform

Company Details
Personal Details

What does mean version 2.0? More at page Status and future plans of service TronLogo.

Within the TRIAL version, you will be delivered 14-day the highest package of the service for free.
You will be reminded to select the final software package, payment method, payment period and form before the end of the TRIAL version.
If you do not have an active and paid service after completing the TRIAL version, the service will be turned off.

After submitting the form, we will create an account in the PromoTron administration portal
and you will receive an e-mail with login details. You can change any time later in the administration portal
as well as all TronLogo technical settings, including downloading the implementation manual for the IT department.

Do you want to extend your TRIAL up to 30 days?
Just fill FEEDBACK and tell us your preferences

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