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Contact information

Offices Prague

PromoTron Solutions S.A.
Taborska 619/46
140 00 Prague 4 Nusle
Czech Republic

Billing address and Headquarters

PromoTron Solutions S.A.
Ciruvkova 127/10
104 00 Prague 10
Czech Republic
Reg Nr.: 07029918
VAT ID: CZ07029918

Contact to us

   +420 295 562 060
MAP - Where to find us?

Bank details for EUR / GBP / USD / PLN

Bank: CitFin sporitelni druzstvo
Account: 1148234 / 2060
IBAN: CZ35 2060 0000 0000 0114 8234

Bank details for CZK

Bank: Raiffaisenbank a.s.
Account: 595953002 / 5500
IBAN: CZ96 5500 0000 0005 9595 3002

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